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Thank you for visiting.  Congratulations! You're here because a family member or co-worker sent you a link and referred you for membership to Associated Healthcare Credit Union (AHCU).

Open a new Savings Account and Receive $50!

Through our You Get When You Give campaign, individuals who join as new members (people like you) and open a Savings Account with an initial deposit of $10 will be rewarded with $50 from AHCU.

We also reward the AHCU member who referred you with $50 when: 

  • You open your new Savings Account with a $10 deposit;
  • And, you open an additional savings account, checking account, CD, IRA, Money Market, or any loan type.

When opening your new savings account (either online using the button below, or in person at an AHCU branch) remember to use the Referrer's eMail address as the Promo Code on the application. Without the Referrer's eMail in the Promo Code box, we can't reward your Referrer. 

Open a New Savings Account online:

Open Savings Account Online

Make An Appointment to discuss this offer:

Make An Appointment

About AHCU:


AHCU has served healthcare industry employees and their family members since 1953.  We have served Children's Minnesota employees and their family members for nearly 50 years, and Allina employees and family members for over 40 years. We are a not-for-profit financial cooperative that is concerned about the Financial Wellness of our 13,000 members. Once you're a member, you can begin referring people, too.